Hi, friend, are you in search of the way to start a blog?
If yes, then your search involves an ultimate end.
I bet you to achieve this blogging journey as i lay down a blueprint
to start your first blog.
Have you ever thought, why do people decide to start a blog even in
2020 and perhaps you're thinking same to start out a replacement blog.
From my point of view, you'll have seen a blog that creating a
million-dollar income from a standard blog.
But the truth is, that blog isn't a standard blog but would be an
extraordinary blog.
This master guide will offer you an entire idea of the way to start a
blog start from basic to advance steps. Which Include
● what's a blog and why you ought to start a blog?
● the precise thanks to find the right niche for blog and overview?
● Proper keyword research strategy and crack the code of SEO?
● Selection of best hosting and domain name?
● what's SEO and the way to write down SEO Friendly posts?● the way to promote blog posts and obtain organic traffic?
● the way to turn $50 into $1000 by monetizing your blog?
● Secrets to grow your master blog with some advance tips and
If you're excited then here we've a number of the foremost successful
money making blogs.
They have nailed the blogging industry and making six-figure
income monthly .
John Lee Dumas running a blog Entrepreneurs ablaze for more
than 5 years.
He interviews all the large Entrepreneurs on his podcast and shares the
smart strategy to fireside up your business.
He made quite $2,10,291 in December 2017.
Check Entrepreneurs ablaze Income Report
Pet Flynn running a blog Smart Passive Income for quite 8
years. His blog is all about sharing the smart strategy on the way to make
passive income using various sources.
He made quite $1,67,553 in December 2017.
Check Smart Passive Income Income Report
Harsh Agarwal the founding father of Shoutmeloud for quite 10
His blog is all about sharing the knowledge associated with blogging and
all-around money making tips.
He made quite $40,000 in February 2018.
Check ShoutMeLoud Income Report
Have you noticed one thing which is common altogether of them? is that the
time or years they put into learning blogging and mastering the talents
of SEO.
If you're excited then here i will be able to get you thru every single step to
start a money making million dollars blog.
When I started my blogging, I even have seen quite 700+ youtube
videos and skim quite 300+ different blogs.
But for you, this single blog are going to be the common window to urge
everything what a blogger needs.
IIt is extremely crucial to clear fundamentals of blogging before deep diving
or scaling your blog.
Hence, i made a decision to get down an entire guide to a complete of seven Day
series of fundamentals,
Which cover every single topic that you simply must know as a beginner to
expert your blogging skills.
Remember quite 91% of published blogs never getting organic
But, i think if you understood the concept then you'll be out of
91% Blogger, who aren't getting single traffic on this website.
Let's first start with the fundamentals on what's a Blog?
What is a Blog and Why you ought to start a blog?
Let me first clarify your doubts on differences between blog and
Consider website as a static or dynamic sites , where you'll see
few timely changes and it's mainly created to represent any business
products or services.
But a blog is made to supply detailed information a few particular
topic and you'll experience timely changes on blog either on a
daily,weekly or monthly basis.
Blog features a chronological order of the blog posts, where last
published posts will appear on the highest .
Besides,do remember blog are often a neighborhood of website, where website can
provide the small print of its product or services by publishing blog post
but a blog can't be an internet site .
And if you're willing to start out a blog, then that process of learning or
implementing techniques is understood as blogging.
In general, Blogging may be a thanks to build your blog and begin sharing your
learning and experiences a few particular subject.
Which means, you're making reader friendly content for the
worldwide audience and reciprocally you'll have chance to urge
monetize your blog.
Are you excited to understand the way to monetize?
Yes, blog can cause you to million dollar income like others and can
discuss an equivalent during this blog.
3 Reasons why you ought to start a blog? If you bought a thought about the fundamentals of blogging then let me get you a
few reasons why you ought to start a blog in 2020?
● Brand Identity - Having a blog means you've got an opportunity to
get identify yourself on the varied online platform either
through writing or promoting a specific product.
● Passive Income - As a blog owner, you'll make passive
income by converting website traffic into the purchasers by
selling affiliate products.
● Expertise in Subject : you will not believe but lately
there is an enormous demand for people, who can advise others on
one particular subject, if you've got a blog around that topic
then you'll sell your learning through online courses or
3 Reasons why you ought to not start a blog?
● No time to write down - Blogging needs patience and time to place
your energy in writing a bit of content that folks may read
or not read, if you've got no time to write down and busy in watching
movies or playing games then I won't recommend starting a
● Not meaning to make passive income - If you've got seen
some examples above then people are making million-dollar
income and even you'll , so if you're proud of current life
and not willing to form extra income then I won't recommend
starting a blog.
● Not concern about identity- Blogging has the potential to
recognize your skills or expertise on particular subjects to a
worldwide audience, if you're proud of your own and
family friends then I won't recommend starting a blog.
If you are admiring any of the blogging advantages, then here I am to
explain to you how to start a blog, which can turn your initial
investment of time, efforts and money into million-dollar income.
Bonus Tips : By having a blog, maybe you will win or lose but if not
then you will definitely lose.
Let's move forward and jump into the send step on introducing
Blogging platforms.
Get ready for Day 2 >>
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